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Find out about the value of attending the FPMA Science & Management Symposium (SAM)

FPMA wishes to express our thanks
to the following SAM 2025 Sponsors:

Paragon28 logo
Platinum Sponsor

Bako Diagnostics Logo

Diamond Sponsor

Marlinz Pharma logo

Gold Sponsor

Amerx Health Care Logo
Gold Sponsor

Kerecis logo
Gold Sponsor
PICA logo
Gold Sponsor

Lauderdale Pathology logo
Gold Sponsor

Weave logo

Silver Sponsor
McClain Laboratories logo

Silver Sponsor

Sagis Diagnostics logo
Bronze Sponsor

ModMed logo
Bronze Sponsor

Elite Wound Care Consultants logo

Bronze Sponsor

AMGEN logo

Bronze Sponsor

HOKA logo

Bronze Sponsor

TriMed logo
Bronze Sponsor
Stryker logo

Bronze Sponsor

Treace logo

Bronze Sponsor
Organogenesis logo
Bronze Sponsor

The Podiatry Foundation logo


FPMA has designated an unrestricted educational grant from AMERX Health Care to support this program.
FPMA has designated an unrestricted educational grant from Bako Diagnostics to support this program.
FPMA has designated an unrestricted educational grant from CuraMedix to support this program.
FPMA has designated an unrestricted educational grant from PICA, A ProAssurance Company to support this program.
FPMA has designated an unrestricted educational grant from Sagis Diagnostics to support this program.

FPMA's Premier Podiatric Conference

Mission Statement of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association’s Science & Management Symposium (SAM):
The Florida Podiatric Medical Association’s educational mission is to promote continuing education in podiatric medicine, podiatric surgery, and practice management through workshops and seminars. Our commitment is to increase knowledge by offering every registrant the educational assistance needed to improve care for their patients and be successful in practice by promoting the benefits of scientific advancement in the treatment, prevention, and alleviation of podiatric ailments.

The Florida Podiatric Medical Association is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine.

Target Audience: The intended audience of the FPMA Science & Management Symposium is Doctors of Podiatric Medicine and Podiatric Residents.

Physician Information Assistant Information Exhibitor & Sponsor Information Hotel Information


Mission Statement

FPMA strives to promote Podiatric Physicians as the preferred providers of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot, Ankle, & Lower Extremity in the State of Florida and elevate public knowledge of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery at all levels throughout the state.


To be recognized as the leading voice and pre-eminent resource for the Podiatric Profession in the State of Florida.

About Us

The Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA) was organized in 1927 for the purpose of advancing the science and art of podiatric medicine, promoting the benefits of scientific advancement in the treatment, prevention, and alleviation of podiatric ailments, and enhancing relationships within the podiatric medical profession and other groups dedicated to improving healthcare. FPMA currently unites more than 1,000 podiatric physicians in this common cause and serves as the voice for the profession in Florida and Washington, D.C. through delegates to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA).

(850) 224-4085


(850) 681-0899

3375-F Capital Circle NE, Ste. 201
Tallahassee, Florida 32308

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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